Season 2 Trailer

We have taken about 18 months off to collectively take a breath and work through all those Covid variants – Delta, Omnicron and whatever is happening now. But there does seem to be a renewed optimism as we transition to the fall and back to school. New York City just lifted their subway mask mandate and our children don’t have to wear masks in schools anymore. It seems we can now re-emerge into our new normal world with fresh eyes and renewed perspective. The timing seems right for more wisdom and more lessons.

Since we last connected a lot has happened – you and I have changed more than we probably recognize. We are growing and improving more and more all the time. Better at being a spouse, or a parent. Better at being a colleague or friend. We are certainly learning lessons from these past 2.5 years that will stay with us for a lifetime.

I recently heard my pastor say that wisdom is knowledge applied, skills for living well. A simple, yet stunning definition of wisdom that has become imprinted on me. I have been challenged and inspired by this idea of applying knowledge to life. The experiences we all have become wisdom when we learn from them. And when we let our greatest difficulties, obstacles and losses become greatest educators – it is then that we start to see as my friend Lindy might say – life as abundance and not scarcity.

Richard Rohr is a Franciscan Friar who leads the Center for Contemplative Action in New Mexico is one of the deepest thinkers I know when it comes to wisdom. In Rohr’s book Falling Upwards he shares an insight from Carl Jung that life comes in two halves. When I read this I was so overwhelmed by the idea I literally had to put the book down and go outside. Because the idea simply floored me. I will paraphrase here, but in short it goes like this…

Life comes in two halves. The first half is about building a container – everything we achieve, accumulate, assemble and add to our lives in order to build a beautiful, identifiable, and durable container.

The second half of life begins when we understand what it is we are to put in it.

Beyond container building, but knowing what to pour out and what to pour into our collective containers. And I believe a lot of that is the collective wisdom – the skills for living well. This season we will have 10 new episodes that will come out like paychecks – every two weeks. So you have a week to process and think about the lesson that someone has taken a lifetime to learn – only seems appropriate.

So again, I hope you will join us on the journey. Tell a friend, I hope you will subscribe and rate and review the podcast on Apple or wherever you listen to podcasts.

I hope you will listen to all 10 episodes because this is what I know – this season will challenge and inspire, these conversations will shape us and grow us. Our perspectives will expand and our hearts will be full.  

This is where knowledge is applied.

Where we learn skills for living well.

An inventory of wisdom.

This is Season 2 of the Everything is Lessons Podcast.

Episode 01:10 – You Are Enough.

KELLY KURLBAUM is this week’s special guest, someone who knows me better than anyone else – my faithful friend and amazing wife.

I have known Kelly for 19 years and been married to her for 13. We have two amazing girls Rowan and Leyton who make us the family I have always hoped for. Kelly and I moved to Boston in 2011 for a two year graduate school run, but ending up loving it here and we never left.

Kelly inspires those around her with her sage advice, honest perspective, and beautiful vulnerability which fills her words with meaning and love. She not only manages multiple complex projects for her work, but manages to find better balance than most people I know. Family and work compete for her attention, but she never let’s them intersect. One is always in focus while the other is out of frame.

Kelly is someone who astonishes you with how she lives. She has shown me that wisdom moves beyond words, and becomes a wisdom that is lived – in her actions and how she engages the world. Kelly is someone who cares as deeply as she loves. And someone who people are drawn to because of her approach, her belief, and her perspective. She is the friend we all wish we had the one I am thankful to call my wife.

Here is Kelly Kurlbaum and her lesson – You Are Enough.

Let’s see what she can teach us. – HERE WE GO.

Why Women Still Can’t Have It All – Anne-Marie Slaughter

The Orange Line – A Woman’s Guide to Integrating Career, Family, and Life

Drop the Ball – Tiffany Dufu

Episode 01:09 – Ask for Help/ Lend a Hand

TYLER AND ALYSSA THOMPSON are two very special guests that inaugurate our first ever couple show. 

Alyssa is a dear friend who is thoughtful, funny, loving, and driven.

Tyler is (just as funny and) an avid Carolina fan, a Virginia Tech Alum, a talented Architect, a father, and a stroke survivor.

I have known these two since we moved to Boston in 2011. For almost ten years we have become like family to one another. Of course, we have a lot in common – all great friends do – we love pop music and dancing, laughing, British accents, and endless sarcasm. The Thompson’s are a couple that you meet and want to hang out with the next night. These are simply good people with strong hearts and a hopeful spirits.

In January of 2019, Tyler and Alyssa went to run a morning errand when Tyler suffered a massive stroke. For a time, we were not sure if Tyler would make it – it was that serious. For weeks, Tyler fought and fought – endless days and nights in hospitals and rehab. But the most amazing thing happened during this time. A groundswell of people came around them with love, support, generosity and encouragement unlike I have ever seen. Former NBA players, College coaches, Friends, Relatives, Friends of friends of friends of friends all came together to raise money that would begin to offset Tyler’s lost salary. A beautiful act of humanity.  

Of course that is not the end of their story – really only the new beginning. Tyler and Alyssa live with their son Arlo in Waltham, MA. They have found their new life together to be a series of continuous adjustments, however Tyler’s recovery and Alyssa’s strength continue to remind us all that with a powerful community anything is possible. There are certainly hard days and difficulties, but Tyler and Alyssa continue to flourish and find hope and belief not only because they are courageous and brave, but because of the support of their neighbors, family, and friends around them.

Here is Tyler and Alyssa Thompson and their lessons

Ask for Help and Lend a Hand, let’s see what he can teach us. – HERE WE GO.

Einstein Quote

Emerson Quote,help%20another%20without%20helping%20himself.

Morgan Harper Nichols

Episode: 01:08 – Love One Another Recap

PASTOR STEPHEN NYAKAIRU is a Faith Leader, Activist, Volunteer, and Community Advocate.

I have known Stephen for a few years now and have developed a deep kinship over our love of the Enneagram, reading, and podcasts. He also happens to be our Location Pastor for Grace Chapel in Watertown. His story, life, and mission will inevitably inspire you to loving and caring for others. He inspires action, growth, and purpose.

Pastor Stephen is someone who calls you consistently and cares for you abundantly. He is generous with his time and always brings a considerate and grace-filled spirit to every encounter. He has always struck me as someone who loves life and that despite any hardship or struggle he find optimism and energy to love others. He is present regardless of circumstance and shares his life with others – to inspire faith, hope, and love in everyone he meets.

Pastor Stephen finds meaning and significance in all things – everything matters to him. What makes him most compelling to me is that he practices what he preaches. He lives wide open, making a way for people of all backgrounds to find a sense of belonging and renewal.

Stephen believes in the power of community and they believe in him – his congregation relies on his unmistakable presence, his unquestionable devotion, and his immense desire for all people to know God’s love.

Here is Pastor Stephen Nyakairu and his lesson, Love one Another, let’s see what he can teach us. – HERE WE GO.

Book Review – One Long River of Song – Brian Doyle:

Thomas Merton – New Seeds of Contemplation

Grace Chapel – Watertown Campus

Episode 01:07 – Dream Borderless Action Recap

GUSTAVO RAMIREZ is a person who lives life with meaning and purpose and intention. What makes him most compelling to me is that we all have dreams about how we hope life will go, but then Gustavo does something crazy – he actually does them.

This spirit of ambition and adventure has taken him all over the world and equipped him with enduring wisdom and quiet confidence. This becomes evident in every correspondence and every conversation.

Simply put, Gustavo is not a person who leaves much to chance, he lives a life full of dreams that have already been lived.

Mark Twain Travel books:

Innocence Abroad

Roughing It

Louis Kahn Architect Works

Salk Institute:

Kimbell Art Museum:

Jonas Salk Quote:

Steven Pressfield Quote:

Episode 01:06 – Guard your time Recap

MICAH WHITSON is a modern-day renaissance man. We have known he and his wife Marianna since we moved to Boston in 2011. We have grown together and raised our kids side by side. Micah is someone with immense creativity and dedication – his talent inspires, and his work connects. Each project demonstrates a passion for craft and love of place. Micah’s creative direction has led him through advertising, graphic design, and healthcare. He and his wife founded the Old Try in 2011 with the ambition to connect people to their southern roots through letterpress prints. He is someone who works a full-time job and then works a full time job. Simply put, whatever he touches reveals a hidden potential, its truest form.

In 2020, in the midst of a pandemic Micah took on yet another challenge – the MS State Flag design. Where his “Great River Flag” was so successful that he co-authored the final version. Yet another accolade for a person who lives beyond acclaim or recognition – he works hard because that’s what he knows best. A great person, father, and friend.

Show References:

David DuChemin Quote – The Art of Exclusion

Great River Flag submission for Mississippi

Steve Jobs Quote on the value of time:,follow%20your%20heart%20and%20intuition.%E2%80%9D

Pay attention Quote:

Episode 01:05 – Take a Beat – Show Notes

Topic of Slowness:

In Other Words – Jhumpa Lahiri, Ann Goldstein,In%20Other%20Words%20is%20at%20heart%20a%20love%20story%E2%80%94of,trip%20to%20Florence%20after%20college.

Topic of Seasons:

When the Moon was Ours – Ann-Marie Macklemore

How it Went Down – Kekla Magoon

Topic of Synthesis:

In the Dream House – Carmen Maria Machado

Virgin: Poetry – Analicia Sotelo

Good Talk – Mira Jacob

Tod Williams/ Billie Tsien Essay “On Slowness”

Commonplace Books:

Episode 01:05 – Take a Beat

This week we have one of my very good friends Lindy Parker Vega.

I met Lindy and her husband Javy through our church and immediately found that Kelly and I adored them. Lindy is a brilliant writer who loves books. Today Lindy has a job where she writes, read things, and talks about them…a perfect fit. Her and her husband Javy live with their son Kobe in Sayulita, Mexico and run a restaurant called Alquismista.

Lindy’s story is one of endurance, patience, gratitude, and slowness. When you read her writing you will find yourself immersed completely in the stories she tells. She describes her characters with personas which she takes on– characters that defy first impressions and easy definitions, characters who are funny and smart and unsure, characters who have the audacity to want things, characters who push walls that need to come down.  

Lindy is an immensely wise person. Life has made her that way. Her intellectual formation is not easy to see at first or simple to define – just like the characters she wishes to construct. However, one conversation with her and you know you are in the presence of someone who understands life and knows it well. Lindy seems to extract the marrow out of every circumstance a confident person with durable joy.”

Episode 01:04 – Empty your Tank – Show Notes

House of Equanimity

Marfa, Texas

Bohlin Cywinski Jackson

Todd Henry – Most Valuable Land in the World

Mary Oliver – Building a House

Steven Pressfield – War of Art

Episode 01:04 – Empty Your Tank

This week we have one of my former teachers – a great architect and mentor who I now can call a friend Joe Biondo. Joe is joining us to talk about his lesson “Empty Your Tank”.

I met Joe as a 4th year architecture student, he was my professor. At the time, I knew very little about his background or his amazing talent to teach and inspire, design and mentor. I suppose the best teachers are usually like that – their most profound lessons happen long after the course has ended. Somehow during our short time together, Joe impressed an idea about Architecture that was interwoven with something much deeper. Joe talked about Architecture and life interchangeably – as if to cultivate a passion within us to give our best to the world.  

After that studio, Joe continued to build beautiful buildings across a Post-Industrial Pennsylvania landscape. And I began to trace his footsteps in my own career – working at Bohlin Cywinski Jackson the same place he started over a decade before. Joe practices in Bethlehem PA – a place defined by its industrial history and legacy of its namesake Steel company. His built work as a sole practitioner is a collection of handsome, timeless, well-crafted, and site-specific works – each with their own story and material narrative. In 2009, he completed perhaps his more enduring and profound work – his own home called the “house of equanimity”. A multi-year project concluded with a dwelling so magnificent that it was given its own monograph in 2018.

Joe is someone who is gifted beyond measure but would never let you know it. He is kind and generous, thoughtful and determined.

Beyond his amazing ability to design, is his insatiable wisdom, something that continues resonate with me. I will never forget the day he asked our class “how do you want to be remembered?” A question that still rattles around in my soul.

Joe has a way of leading you down the right path, but seldom giving you the answer. I guess that is the genius of the sage – showing you where the water is, but knowing you have to make the journey to drink it.